Cookie Policy


By continuing to use our website (the “Site”), you agree that we can store and place cookies on your computer and mobile device to improve your site and app experience.

This Cookie Policy covers the information practices of our websites, including how RRC Medi-Tech collects, uses, shares and secures the personal information you provide. If you use our websites, we may use various website navigation information including tracking technologies such as cookies and web beacons to collect and store information from you. You are requested to read this cookie policy for more details about the cookies that are placed when you are using this Site.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer or device by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites function properly as well as to provide business and marketing information to the owners of the site.

Cookies collect Website navigation information that includes standard information from your web browser (such as browser type and browser language), language choices, time zone, your internet protocol (IP) address, actions you take on our websites, URL and page metadata, installation data (such as the operating system type and application version), system crash information, system activity and hardware settings. We may also automatically collect and store certain information in activity logs such as details of how you use our websites, your search queries, and your IP address.

Class of cookies

To find out more about cookies in general, please see

Cookie type and its usage

Cookies used on the Site can be categorized as either:

  • Strictly Necessary
  • Ease of Use
  • Performance
  • Marketing

Strictly Necessary

“Strictly Necessary” cookies allow you to browse our Site as well as provide access to secure areas of the Site. The services you want to use on our Site cannot be provided in the absence of these cookies. However these cookies do not gather any personal information about you that could be used for marketing or to remember your activity on the internet.

By way of example, Strictly Necessary Cookies may be used by us among other things to:

  • Remember information you have entered on order forms when you navigate to different pages during a browsing session; and
  • Remember the goods and services you ordered when you get to the checkout page.

Ease of Use

These cookies are used to enhance the ease of use of the Site.


Performance cookies collect information about how you use our Site (e.g., which pages you visit frequently). These cookies do not collect any information that could identify you and are only used to help us improve how our Site works and understand what interests our users.


Marketing cookies are used to enable us to present appropriate notifications and messages to you. By way of example, these cookies enable us, among other things to:

  • allow third parties to display appropriate advertising and to track its effectiveness; and
  • display messages which offer a selection of products based on what you’re viewing on the Site, which are presented to you by our agency when you visit other selected websites. This is known as online behavioral advertising.

Session Cookies: A browser session starts when a user opens the browser window and finishes when they close the browser window. “Session cookies” expire at the end of the browser session.

Persistent Cookies: these cookies remain on a computer or mobile device for the period of time specified in the cookie or until the user deletes the cookie.

Third Party Cookies: are cookies that are dropped by a domain other than that of the website being visited by the user.

First Party Cookies: First-party cookies are those dropped by the website that is visited by the user (e.g., cookies dropped by when user visits